Thursday, June 29, 2017

Inclined Manometer gauge takes Red Oil

We have one of these on the wall in the back. It measures pressure in inches of WC but it only goes up to 3" of WC maximum. They put it on an incline so that they can measure finer pressures, fractions (decimals) of an inch.  They also put a lighter fluid (not lighter fluid) in it, an oil that won't evaporate and one that has a specific gravity of .826 which means it is easier to lift than water, which means it can measure a much smaller pressure in the same space.


Winding down, 3 quizzes to go. One general science and math this week, a more specific quiz on Math next week, and then one more quiz on Drafting and Blueprint Reading the week after that. Then final tests and practical testing.

Still working out the final details but it looks like we will do practical testing in groups of 4 starting on July 12 from 1:00-5:00. Second group will be on July 13 from 9-1:00. Final exam will be Friday, July the 14, 11:00- 2:00.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


We need to order more oxygen and acetylene. How do you figure out what to order? Mostly it is by CF or cubic feet of gas in refilled bottles. Just ordered a 150 CF bottle of oxygen for  $15.71 and a 100CF bottle of acetylene for $96.70.


Simple Machines and Mechanical advantage.

Inclined Plane Screw

Three Classes of Levers

Mechanical Advantage

Monday, June 26, 2017


A little more Drafting and Blueprint Reading, sketching and drawing.

A little bit of math, Rolling offsets with 45, 60 and 221/2 elbows.

Looking for information about plumbing permits and inspections. Coming across a few things specific to the interlake. Eastern Interlake Planning District

For on reserve housing the Interlake Reserves Tribal Council provides inspection services.


More shop, more homework, more quiz prep.

Pressure and Atmosphere.

We live at the bottom of an ocean of air.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Week 17E05

One more Friday, one more quiz. Some math, some science questions.

Crosby Online training.

Take a look at the panels, videos and the quiz questions but don't answer the questions on the Crosby site, we have a google Form for the questions, it was sent in your email.

The login for the Crosby Online training site is
login =ggatin
password = fUw)pZS1C7


New math assignment jumper offsets.

Week17E03 Aboriginal Day

Longest day, spend it with family.

Monday, June 19, 2017


Ridgid Presentation.

Changing chasers in the Ridgid Universal die heads. Paul pointed out that the universal head can be used with through-the-head oiling systems that pump cutting oil in a steady stream onto to the chasers. In this case it is important to assemble the universal die head properly with the Ridgid logo to the top to ensure that the oiler works. Watch this video of the 535 machine which is popular in some shops. The ACC shop in Brandon has a number of these.

Paul Beaupre

Propress Megapress

Hazards of Cross bores. Compact SeeSnake

What happens if you run a root cutter  in a sewer

See Manitoba Hydro's recommendations for rotor rooters.

Do not begin clearing the sewer with rotating equipment or water jets until inspection has ruled out the presence of a cross bore. Even if you do not use natural gas, natural gas lines could be nearby.

Fire Watch/Safe Watch

Thursday, June 15, 2017


Formula Triangles (not triangle formulas, that's trig) Catch up on homework day. Working on assignments for perimeter, grade, volume, area. Also working on assignment about temperature and heat.
Prep for quiz tomorrow.

One assignment we worked on introduced the formula triangle, a useful tool for rearranging formulas. Especially where the formula involve two things multiplied to find a third thing. Or where some thing equal two other things divide by one another,

Watch this video.

We also watched a couple of videos on Heat and temperature,

and one by Sal Khan on total heat calculations.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Grading scheme

Bringing this to the top of the pile. 

...(y)our mark for the Pipe 0001 Pipe Trades Theory class. The overall grade will be based on assignments (30%), quizzes (30%) and final exam (40%).
Your lowest quiz mark will be excluded from the final calculation-- everyone has an off day.

The practical mark Pipe 0002 is based on a document like this.


Pepsi Challenge, 

Rope Rodeo, Fittings Bingo, Crane Signal Extravaganza

Timed events,

Huge prize money 

(we make our own, and it is big )

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Brazing, bending, flaring.
Cutting, threading, grooving, beveling.
Fusing, solvent welding.
Tying knots, identifying fittings, doing a little math.
Math related to grade, drop, percent grade, elevation. Converting between builder's measurements and engineer's measurements.

Monday, June 12, 2017


Wrap up practical projects and get ready for practical testing.

Ridgid Sales Representative will be here this week, 15th.

Here is an example of an old practical test score sheet.

More knots..

Zepplin Bend

Carrick Bend

Friday, June 9, 2017

Brass fitting blow out

What happens when you concentrate the heat too much on an alloy fitting? It is possible to melt right through the metal and wreck the fitting. In this case it is a $5 adaptor but it could be a customers thousand dollar piece of equipment. 

Why would this happen? Because piping fittings are made of brass or bronze, which are alloys of copper and other materials, mostly tin or zinc but also manganese, iron, lead, silicon, bismuth, antimony, aluminum and others. Because some of these materials have a much lower melting point than copper they melt much more easily. 

Check out the bronze and brass alloys in this chart and not the percentages of different materials and the melting points. 


Lifting frame is set up, all sorts of labour saving gadgets. Some rigging techniques are older than the Egyptian pyramids, some are as modern as virtual reality.

Wally plays with blocks.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Kevin is bring a rigging training aid today. Looks like the vinyl flooring might get moved too.
Update your blogs, lots of details, pic and links. Your practical grade is largely based on your documentation. The job is not over until the paper work is done.

Training aid is a  Spanco 1 ton Portable Steel Gantry Crane with attachments.

Spanco 1AW1010 Gantry Crane 

Renfroe Lifting Clamp

Campbell Lifting Clamp

Ingersol RAnd 1/2 ton Beam Trolley

CM Shopstar 300 lb electric chain hoist

Kleton Chain Hoists

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Where are you at in your projects? What do you need to finish? What do you need to document?

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


More shop work. Prepping for a Friday quiz. Some questions from fall arrest and scaffolding workshops.

New assignment on Air-Acetylene Torches

Monday, June 5, 2017

My wife is on holiday


Cast and copper assemblies for DWV. Soldering large dimension copper with 95/5 solder.

 Why would you use copper DWV?

 "The smaller diameter of DWV tube and fittings makes it possible to install copper drainage systems where other competing piping materials would be impossible, difficult or more costly. For example, a 3-inch copper stack has only a 3-3/8-inch outside diameter at the fitting and can be installed in a 3-1/2 inch cavity wall." Copper Development Association 


Why do we ream copper pipe ( or any pipe for that matter)?

Erosion corrosion.

Friday, June 2, 2017


Tube Bending added to the mix. See page for projects. Complete math assignments.

Pipefitters need to bend all sizes of pipes and tubes from the smallest sizes used for medical gas or instrumentation, through 1/2" 3/4" and 1" steam tracing lines to heavy duty pipeline pipe bending up to 60" in diameter.

Ridgid makes tools for  hand tube bending copper or stainless steel. Tools for making bends in larger pipes, especially steel pipes for steam tracing are done with electric or hydraulic motors.

Check out this bending tool.

Here is an example of tube bending for steam tracing. The tubing is laid over the pipe, under the insulation to keep systems from freezing up.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Framed up a little concrete form for practice drilling holes and setting anchors. Thanks to, construction foreman, Randy Thomas for generously making it happen.