Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Week 5: Tuesday: PTH Section 9. It's not just reading

Today's assignment compliments the work we have been doing in the Applied Math and the Blueprint Reading class. Really, it is a bit arbitrary to separate things into different classes, you have to be able to put things together from many different sources. This requires a degree of mental agility and tenacity that is developed over time and as a result of individual effort.

Learning like this is seldom a comfortable process, it can be frustrating and annoying and as with many aspects of learning, you can't really begin learning until you have an idea of what you DON'T know. Nobody really likes the idea that they don't know things, it disrupts our self-image and can shake our confidence.

So learning requires not only academic skills but self-management skills-- discipline, tolerance for frustration, tenacity and focus. To a certain extent these things can be learned or developed, but it is a process, a process which can be uncomfortable for some.  Learning to learn is even more important than learning content and part of learning to learn is learning about yourself -- your strengths and limits, your strategies for coping with frustration, your ability to develop more productive ways of dealing.

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