Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Working with Cast Iron Pipe

The Math
The Tools
The Code
The practice

Plumbing & Related Careers

Glen reminded me this morning that Plumbing is not your only option in terms of career choices after you complete this Year 1 program.  There are related careers that you might want to do instead of or in addition to plumbing.  Some of them are:  Pipefitting, Steamfitting, Sprinklerfitting, Gasfitting, or even work in the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration field. 

If you have questions about any of these trades, Glen has extensive knowledge and experience.  Make sure you take advantage of his expertise while he is here.  Ask lots of questions and take lots of notes.  Learn all you can. 

Another resource that I have pointed out to you before is the Career Cruising website. 

Career Cruising - Click on this link - the username and password is on the whiteboard in the classroom. 

Career Cruising will give you specific information on each career - a job description, working conditions, earnings, educational path, sample career path, related careers, and additional links to websites related to that career.  There are also interviews with real people who are in that career - you can read or listen to them describe their work. 

If you have any questions about using the Career Cruising site, let me know and I will assist you. 

Monday, May 29, 2017


More math. Solving for other angles. This unit draws on your trig skills. Most of the time we work with only a few fixed angles depending on the fittings we use-- 22-1/2, 45, 60 and 90 degree elbows. Occasionally, we need to be able to use trig to solve for other angles.

Sadly our T- Drill is broken but this is how it should work.

And this is the sort of thing you might make.


Elite Safety Services presentation on scaffolding.

Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulation 2014: PART 28 SCAFFOLDS AND OTHER ELEVATED WORK PLATFORMS -- GENERAL REQUIREMENTS

Thursday, May 25, 2017


The Thursday edition.

Attention: Looking for completed homework assignments for Pipe Hangers and Cast Iron, Fibreglass, Glass, Lead and Historical Piping. 

Inauguration of Peguis Chief and Council today for those that would like to participate. Shop will be open otherwise.

More shops -- drillin', and cuttin', measurin', and calculatin'.  Good times.

We'll need to clean up this afternoon in preparation for our presentations all day Friday and Monday. Presentations on fall arrest and on scaffolding.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017



C in C inauguration at 11:00 Feast at 2:00 pm. The shop will be open to work on projects.

Prepping a pipe joint.


Wednesday of a short week.

A brazing project.

Eventually we will be making brazed outlets using a T Drill. Check out the NPC  Section

Demo of cutting and beveling steel pipe to prep for butt welded joints.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


After the holiday Monday.
Back in the shop.

Brazing Copper Tube


 Brazing Copper to Brass

Thursday, May 18, 2017

W11E05 Accreditation Day

These are the standards that the Apprenticeship Branch will use.

Find the link to the facility audit checklist for the Plumbing Trade.

Meanwhile we have two new assignments. Cast Iron Pipe and Pipe Hangers.

See ya Tuesday.


More shops,
Using drafting tools.
Making sketches and materials lists
Dog off

Job Posting - Essential Skills Required

I just wanted to give you another example of an Ad for a Level 1 Apprentice.  This company's focus is on hiring an individual with strong essential skills - problem solving, oral communication and customer service, time management, working with others, dependability, and professionalism.  Even as you learn the technical skills you need to be a plumber, remember the importance of developing the skills listed in this ad. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Even more shop work. Everyone is making good progress on projects.
Stay healthy, mumps are around. If you don't feel well get it checked out. Daphne circulated an information sheet on mumps.

Monday, May 15, 2017


More shop work.

Preparation for Apprenticeship - Each Day is a Step Closer

One of the things I am working on is finding placements for your 2 weeks of practicum at the end of the program (September 25 - October 6).  Upon completion of your practicum, you will want to begin your Apprenticeship.  This is something that you are preparing for right now, each day, as you learn, practise, and work hard both in the classroom setting and in the shop.  Companies are looking for apprentices who have both the essential and technical skills to do the job and are open to continuous learning.  Below is an example of a recent job ad for a Level 1 Apprentice in Thompson, MB.  Spend a few minutes reading through the Ad and identifying the skills this employer is seeking in an apprentice and the requirements for this job.  Take the steps you need to each day to learn and prepare to be the apprentice that employers will want to hire.  

W11E01 Monday -Applied Math in the AM. Shop in the PM

0.707 Constant
More work with right angle triangle and all the relationships between angle and sides. We know that, in a right angle triangle with 45 degree fittings the relationship between the offset and the travel is 1 to 1.414. The same arrangement works in reverse, if we know the travel and want to figure out the offset, multiply travel times .707.

We also reviewed the formula and constants for equal spread offsets that you will need to work on the soldered copper assignments in the shop. Check out the Pipe Trades Handbook p.263.

Instead of a quiz this Friday afternoon we will meet one on one in the AM to review your quiz results and figure out where you stand. If I owe you any points on quizzes, show me and I will adjust your grades accordingly.

Also this week on Friday, we will have the apprenticeship audit where a group of people from Manitoba Apprenticeship will be here checking out the program to determine if we can be accredited to offer Level 1 Apprenticeship. They will be checking out all of the tools, the shops, the classroom and curriculum. No classes in the PM.

Friday, May 12, 2017


Shop in the AM Pipe 0001 Midterm Quiz in the PM

Very enjoyable watching families and friends checking out the shop and program. Good to know that you all have supportive people behind you and responsibilities that give you purpose.

I think you are now starting to realize that you are involved in something that is important to you but also important to your families and communities.

Without well designed and professionally installed sanitary systems, all the health care efforts mean very little.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Week 10, Thursday, Drafting and Blueprint Reading

We'll spend part of the morning in the classroom, completing shop diagrams and materials lists for the various shop projects so far. Kevin is bringing some T-Squares so we can do some more detailed drafting work. We will also explore some Computer Assisted Drafting applications like Sketchup. Here is a link to a web version. Last week we finished the introductory section, now we move into more detailed work with blueprints starting with a complete set of residential prints.

After coffee in the AM we will move to the shop to finish up some projects to show our guests. Then clean up and party!!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Week 10, Wednesday Another full day in the shop.

Secret to on the job success
#1: On time is late
#2: Always keep one part of your body moving but not the mouth.
#3: Learning does not occur by assmosis.

Roll Grooving with Ridgid 300, and Ridgid 916 Roll Groover.
Grooving on 2" Schedule 10 Pipe, typically used for sprinkler systems.

Cut with Milwaukee Abrasive cut off wheel.

Using Victaulic fittings. Check with Pi Tape. Compare to the Victaulic specification sheet. 

Piping systems are intended to be run square with any change in direction, no matter how slight, accomplished with a bend. The code and manufacturer's specifications sometimes allow for a very slight change in direction called "deflection" usually 5 degrees or less, which occurs when a pipe joint is slightly off of square. See for example the deflection specifications for Victaulic groove and shoulder joints. 

Week 10, Tuesday. Full day in the shop

Working on swing joints with malleable iron.

Some pressure tested 15 PSI for 20 minutes.

Accepting submissions for Friday Quiz. Everyone submit 5 questions for Friday quiz.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Using the Medicine Wheel in Learning

Week 10, Monday -- Applied Math in the AM Getting Good and Fast within a 16th of an Inch.

Unit 23 presented some interesting challenges.  Proper data for some of the questions (1-5) was not available, so we moved on. Adequate data were available for the rest of the questions.

The usefulness of these activities is not so much the information about the fittings as the opportunity to work out multi-step math problems, systematically. While using a calculator will get the answer, in decimal format, an expectation exists that you be able to work with fractions in your head. Fortunately, most of the Imperial measurements we work with involve common fractions, usually 16th of an inch. You need to be able to manipulate fractions in your head.

PM in the shop:
Continuing to work on projects, most people working on threading projects.

Friday, May 5, 2017


Putting the Ridgid 300 to good use making swing joints. 

Precision pipe fitting. Squaring up with torpedo level and the eyecrometer. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Week 9, Friday, Shop in the AM Quiz from 1-2 PM

Shop in the AM

Safety Meeting
Continue with projects

Quiz in the PM
Drafting and Blueprint Reading Quiz from 1-2.

Open book, 50 questions in 60 minutes from worksheets and PTH.

Week 9, Thursday Drafting in AM, Practical in the PM.

Chapter 8 Review and Drafting Practice.

Also try drawing the practical projects for piping.

Afternoon in the shop.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Week 9, Wednesday

Last day of High School, today is the second first day of the rest of your life.

Safety Meeting

A good attitude is essential for safety.

More shop work, Did you bring your coveralls or long sleeved shirt? Install coat hooks.

Working with Ridgid 300. New dies have to be broken in they are very sharp, too sharp. Try not to ream too deep.

Drilling cage. Try to run a larger PVC pipe on a slope.


Week 9, Tuesday. Pipe 0002 in PM

Ongoing organization in the shop.

Install coat hooks for coveralls. (BTW, bring your coveralls or long sleeved shirt, no soldering in short sleeves.)

Review of poly butt fusion, plastic welding.

Demonstrating insert connection in poly pipe.

Review the IPEX Technical Manual for Pipe With a Stripe (polyethylene pipe)  p.13. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Test Anxiety

Test Anxiety is real and can be an obstacle that gets in the way of focusing and having a clear mind to be successful on a quiz/test/exam.  Symptoms of test anxiety include:
  • having trouble sleeping the night before a test
  • skipping a test due to panic
  • sweaty palms and feeling sick
  • feeling nervous and jittery during the test
  • having trouble remembering the information
  • making careless errors on a test
  • feeling worried when others finish before you do
  • thinking about past failures while taking the test
  • difficulty understanding and remembering directions
  • feeling pushed for time
  • feeling like you studied all the wrong things
If you feel a number of these symptoms before, during and after a test, you may be experiencing test anxiety. 

There are various strategies and steps you can take to reduce test anxiety.  The short video below presents some very helpful ideas to assist you in reducing and overcoming test anxiety.  Take a few minutes to watch it when you have some time to yourself and use the suggestions to help you before your next test. 

I also have some helpful resources on test anxiety so please stop by my office and I will pass those along to you.  Don't be afraid or hesitant to ask - many people experience test anxiety and it can be overcome. 

Week 9, Monday. Applied Math

More Math -- Units 21 and 22
45 degree offsets with different pipes and fittings, specifically,Wyes. Each one of the connections on a Wye may have a different value.