Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 10, Monday -- Applied Math in the AM Getting Good and Fast within a 16th of an Inch.

Unit 23 presented some interesting challenges.  Proper data for some of the questions (1-5) was not available, so we moved on. Adequate data were available for the rest of the questions.

The usefulness of these activities is not so much the information about the fittings as the opportunity to work out multi-step math problems, systematically. While using a calculator will get the answer, in decimal format, an expectation exists that you be able to work with fractions in your head. Fortunately, most of the Imperial measurements we work with involve common fractions, usually 16th of an inch. You need to be able to manipulate fractions in your head.

PM in the shop:
Continuing to work on projects, most people working on threading projects.

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