Monday, May 1, 2017

Test Anxiety

Test Anxiety is real and can be an obstacle that gets in the way of focusing and having a clear mind to be successful on a quiz/test/exam.  Symptoms of test anxiety include:
  • having trouble sleeping the night before a test
  • skipping a test due to panic
  • sweaty palms and feeling sick
  • feeling nervous and jittery during the test
  • having trouble remembering the information
  • making careless errors on a test
  • feeling worried when others finish before you do
  • thinking about past failures while taking the test
  • difficulty understanding and remembering directions
  • feeling pushed for time
  • feeling like you studied all the wrong things
If you feel a number of these symptoms before, during and after a test, you may be experiencing test anxiety. 

There are various strategies and steps you can take to reduce test anxiety.  The short video below presents some very helpful ideas to assist you in reducing and overcoming test anxiety.  Take a few minutes to watch it when you have some time to yourself and use the suggestions to help you before your next test. 

I also have some helpful resources on test anxiety so please stop by my office and I will pass those along to you.  Don't be afraid or hesitant to ask - many people experience test anxiety and it can be overcome. 

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