Monday, May 15, 2017

Preparation for Apprenticeship - Each Day is a Step Closer

One of the things I am working on is finding placements for your 2 weeks of practicum at the end of the program (September 25 - October 6).  Upon completion of your practicum, you will want to begin your Apprenticeship.  This is something that you are preparing for right now, each day, as you learn, practise, and work hard both in the classroom setting and in the shop.  Companies are looking for apprentices who have both the essential and technical skills to do the job and are open to continuous learning.  Below is an example of a recent job ad for a Level 1 Apprentice in Thompson, MB.  Spend a few minutes reading through the Ad and identifying the skills this employer is seeking in an apprentice and the requirements for this job.  Take the steps you need to each day to learn and prepare to be the apprentice that employers will want to hire.  

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